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Bhishma Counsels Vidura : Episode 11

Scene 1

Queen Ambika brings her son Dhritarashtra before the sanctum of Durga. She asks him to pray to the goddess as it is his 8th birthday. Dhritarashtra asks his mother how he looks in his new royal silk suit. Ambika tells her son he looks like a king. Dhritarashtra repeats the question a couple of times, and finally his mother, realizes the subtle meaning of 'like a king' and tells her delighted son he is indeed the king.

Vidura and Pandu enter the scene. Dhritarashtra once again asks them how he looks in his new silken robes. Pandu replies that Dhritarashtra looks like 'Yuvaraja' a crowned prince, but Dhritarashtra isn't satisfied. When he repeats the question in an angry tone, Vidura instinctively understands what Dhritarashtra wants to hear. He signals to Pandu, who gestures his acquiescence. Dhritarashtra is happy to hear Vidura say that he is the future emperor of Hastinapura.

Scene 2

Eighteen years later...It is the final day of military training and includes a test by Bhishma. Pandu expresses the hope that all of them get qualified in the test. As Pandu and Vidura move away to get their quiver, bow and arrow from the chariot they have parked at a distance, a horse tethered to the tree breaks away loose and charges at a high speed. Dhritarashtra is alert and his ears listen carefully to the horse's fierce neighs and the sound made by the hooves as it gallops. In the meanwhile, Vidura and Pandu notice it too, and they run to protect Dhritarashtra from the charging horse. Bhishma also rides on his horse towards Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra tells his warning brothers that he will take care himself. As they all look on in awe, Dhritarashtra flies in the air, dashes against the trunk of a nearby tree to propel and saddles himself on the horse's back. Bhishma is overjoyed and declares that all of them have passed his test successfully.

Scene 3

Bhishma and Queen Satyavati in discussion as Vidura looks on.


: Hastinapur's throne has been vacant for a long time now. It is time now to plan for Pandu's and Dhritarashtra's marriage.


: True mother. They have reached the marriageable age. They have also become fit to rule the country. That is why I have asked the priests to come now.


: What you say is right. But let's first get them married. Then we will think of the coronation. Two priests enter and take their seats.


: We need to arrange for the marriage of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Many proposals, horoscopes and portraits of eligible girls must have reached us. Let's consider the proposals for Dhritarashtra first.


: We have already screened one for Dhritarashtra. It matches perfectly. In fact, such a perfect match happens one in a million.


: Is that so? Who is the girl?


: It is the princess of Gandhar. Her name is Gandhari. She is a great devotee of Lord Shiva and her name is well known throughout the country.


: Even I have heard good reports about her.


: That's nice to hear from you. Yes, which princess is deemed fit for Pandu?


: The horoscope of Kunti Devi, the princess from Mathura, is found to match excellently. She is famous for her patience.


: What do you have to say about this, Bhishma?


: What they say is true. I have heard the citizens of Mathura say she is the embodiment of calmness.


: Then she will be an excellent match for Pandu who is also patient and calm. We can send suitable message to the Mathura kingdom soon.

Sivai (Vidura's mother) who is watching the proceedings is eagerly waiting for Queen Satyavati to plan for Vidura's wedding too, but the queen gets up and sends away the priests.

Sivai is startled and calls out for Satyavati. Vidura notices this and moves towards his mother to restrain her, but before he could do so Sivai asks the queen mother about Vidura's marriage. Satyavati is embarrassed, but Vidura saves the situation by referring to the conversation Queen Satyavati had with him. Taking the cue, Bhishma says that the Queen and Bhishma had already decided to conduct Vidura's wedding after the marriages of Dhritarashtra and Pandu.

As Vidura leads his mother away, Queen Satyavati seems to be in a mix of agony and confusion, and an equally agitated Bhishma moves away without a word to the queen.

Scene 3

Queen Satyavati goes to Sage Vyasa's ashram to convey to him her plans for conducting the marriages of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Sage Vyasa speaks favorably of Gandhari and Kunti, the brides-to-be for Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Satyavati leaves the hermitage, relieved and reassured by his replies.

A disciple of Sage Vyasa who had been watching Vyasa's reactions closely senses that the sage had some unexpressed reservation about the marriage proposals and questions him about this.


: You are right. I told the queen about the praiseworthy qualities of Gandhari, but did not talk about another unsavory aspect. Gandhari has a brother who is cunning as a fox, the fountainhead of destruction, the birth place of deceit, the mother of intrigue. the very source of greed, and the starting point for the destruction of Hastinapur. His name is Shakuni.

Scene 4

A solitary Vidura is seen delivering a monologue.


: Oh fate, is this your evil plot? Oh fate, is this treachery right? Is it a curse that even with the intellect that glows with the light of thousand flames, the physical might of several elephants and the wisdom that can solve the problems of the entire town, the ignominy of being born the servant's son haunts me always. Even if seeded by a yogi, it was only a servant who delivered it. (He goes on bemoaning the lack of respect the society shows to him and his mother when Bhishma appears on the scene. He calls out to Vidura.

Vidura approaches Bhishma and bows to him. Bhishma says that Vidura was like his son he never had.


: If I had had a son, it would have been you. But I am a weak and a nerveless person who cannot come to your aid.


: My great uncle, is there anything greater than your love in this world? That's enough for me. Let my life be like yours. Why do you fret for me? It is my fate. Being ignored, snubbed or affronted has been a regular feature in my life and it has been following me like a shadow. Now my mind has become numbed by it and doesn't feel the pain any more.


: Should you get so dejected? You are the pinnacle of wisdom. You are the son of the celebrated Vyasa. Look at my life. That will always serve as a lesson for you. Death was ready to embrace me at my birth itself. Had it happened then, I would have knocked on the doors of heaven. I was saved by my father's kindness. To this day, I do not know if it was a blessing or a curse for me. In my younger days I gave up desires, and gave up the throne. Though I relinquished my right to rule, I never swerved from my duties. This Hastinapur represents my life, my dreams and my future. But do you know what are the evil that is going to befall this country? If you knew, you would not be able to sleep peacefully even for a day! When I came to know about the frightening future events through Vyasa, I became pieces. Many adharmic acts and grievous events are going to be staged here. Before that your grief is very trivial. In the drama that will be enacted in future at Hastinapur, you and I have a great role to play. Do not lose heart. It is my duty to get you a suitable wife.


: What you have told me surprise and shock me. I have made a decision now. My experiences have taught me my standing in Hastinapure. I will always abide by what you say. But you have to agree to this decision I have made. I request your help .


: Help? Should you ever say this? I constantly despair about my inability to help you.


: You must accompany me to a place I am going.

Scene 5

Princess Gandhari is worshipping the Shiva Linga with flowers.

King of Gandhara

: I am surprised and proud that my daughter is so devout at such a young age.


: That is true my lord, but you have forgotten that she hasn't yet married! After Princess Gandhari, ten more princesses are waiting to get married.


: You reminded me at the right moment! I still think of her as a small child.

A gatekeeper appears and announces that a messenger from Hastinapur had been waiting for an audience with the King. The King orders the messenger to be ushered in with due courtesy and apologies for the delay. The Hastinapur messenger is welcomed and given a seat.

The messenger hands over a palm manuscript containing a message from Bhishma. The King reads it and tells the messenger that he would send a suitable reply soon. As the messenger departs, his minister wants to know what message Bhishma had sent.


: That's a good news, isn't it?


: But there is a problem. I must talk to Gandhari before giving my reply.

A man is seen eavesdropping on the proceedings and rushes away as the King and Queen get up to meet Gandhari.

Scene 6

Princess Gandhari is offering worship to Shiva Linga. The king and queen of Gandhar arrive. Gandhari welcomes them. The king shows Gandhari the message he has received.


: What reply have you given them, Father?


: It is an honor to receive a marriage proposal from Hastinapur. But Prince Dhritarashtra is congenitally blind. How can I give my beloved daughter to him?


: If you don't mistake me, can I express my opinion?

The king asks her to express her thoughts freely. Just then Shakuni and the spy who overheard the proceedings in the previous scene arrive. They make surreptious attempts to overhear them.


: You know how great Bhishma is. Every action of his have a well thought-out reason. It will be in accordance with justice and kshatriya dharma. Should we not respect his message?


: What you say is true. Yet the decision we take on this will have a tremendous effect on your future. We cannot take a hurried decision. May be we can take your brother Shakuni's opinion on this. He will always have your welfare in mind. It will be a good idea to consult him. What do you think, Gandhari.

As soon as they hear this, Shakni and his aide move away. Gandhari agrees to the idea and says it was best to leave the decision to Shakuni.

The King and Queen leave and Gandhari continues with her worship.

Scene 7

Bhishma and Vidura go to a hamlet on a chariot. Vidura takes Bhishma to a small hut where a woman is grinding grains on a round stone mortar. Vidura tells the woman to quickly bring her daughter Sulabha. The woman is very scared and so is the daughter. The daughter to her mother describes how she secretly watched Vidura while he went around the temple. Similarly, Vidura tells Bhishma how he met her at the temple.
