Scene 1
Kunti and her companion. Kunti looks distressed after Kuntibhoja tells her about the proposal for marriage from Hastinapur. Her friend asks her why. Kunti reminds her that she gave birth to a child on the day of her coming of age or attaining menarche. The flashback takes us to the day Kunti's (called Pritha) attaining maidenhood is celebrated in a grand manner. Soon after Pritha is seen chasing flocks of sheep and geese. The queen objects to her running around uninhibitedly and the king too joins her in the gentle admonition. When the queen says she knew Pritha wouldn't listen to her, Pritha is hurt and tells the king and the queen that she would do whatever they tell her and she realized that they loved her as though she was their own child and not like an adopted daughter. (Surasena is the father of Vasudeva and the grandfather of Sri Krishna. Pritha was his daughter (thus she is aunt to Krishna). Kuntibhoja is Surasena's cousin. Since he was childless, Sura gave his daughter Pritha in adoption to him.) The queen explains to Pritha that she would soon be married and she did not want anyone to point fingers that Pritha was not brought up to be a modest girl.
Soon Sage Vyasa visits Mathura and King Kuntibhoja and his queen welcome him warmly. Vyasa tells them that Sage Durvaasa was likely to visit them. Durvaasa was known for his tempestuous temper, and for being generous in showering boons, as well as curses, if provoked. He says Durvaasa's visit would be very propitious for them and bring them fame and prosperity, but he also warns them that Durvaasa might ask for the personal assistance and services of their adopted daughter for carrying out fire rituals (yagnas). If they did not provide what he asks for, Durvaasa was likely to curse them. Durvaasa's anger could be very destructive. Unlike other sages whose penances took a beating when they gave in to anger, Durvaasa's angry outbursts did not affect his penance: they only enhanced them! Pritha is listening to the conversation.
Sure enough, Durvaasa lands soon. He displays anger at the people playing the music and showering welcome flowers. The king asks the reason for his displeasure.
: I do not want any showy welcome. Only your innermost thoughts and respect matter to me. And I will believe you only if you respond suitably to what I am going to ask you.
: I would definitely lay my life to make you happy.
: I would be engaged in severe penances and performing fire rituals for one year. At that time I need some one with a pure and pious heart to assist me. I want your daughter Pritha's help.
: She is but a playful girl! I could serve you instead.
: I know her to be kind hearted. I demand not only that you send her to me, but forget her for one year she would be with me. None of your family members or you should keep in touch with her. She should observe 'vrata' during this time and assist me with full devotion. Tomorrow at sunrise she should come to the ritual hall.
Scene 2
Kuntibhoja is discussing Durvaasa's demands and Vyasa's advice with his wife. Pritha approaches them.King
: I have decided not to send Pritha. I will serve him instead.
: I heard your conversation and I also know what Sage Vyaasa told us. I also know I will get married and go away. Before that I have got this opportunity to serve you for all the love you showered on me.
The king and the queen are touched by her love and kindness.
Scene 3
For one year, Pritha serves Durvaasa – bringing flowers and other objects of worship, cooking his food and washing his clothes. At last, all the planned rituals are completed without a hitch, and sage Durvaasa is happy. He teaches her a mantra by uttering which she could summon any god who would appear before her and give her a son. But she was to use it only when necessary.
Scene 4
Pritha is chatting with her companion and tells her about the mantra taught to her by Durvaasa. They speculate how the mantra could work. Pritha decides to call the sun god, wondering how he could ever appear in person. The friend goes away to fetch something to eat in which time, the sun god appears before her to do her bidding.Pritha is alarmed, and tells the sun god she merely wanted to test the mantra, but the sun god says he cannot go away without completing the intended task. If she refused to accept the baby, Sage Durvaasa would be offended and their entire clan could come to great harm. He assures her the baby would be born immediately with his traits and kavacha-kundala and would help her at a crucial time. He also assures that her virginity would return after the baby comes into being.
When Pritha's companion returns, she finds Pritha crying with a baby on her lap. Though Pritha is hesitant to abandon the baby even though she is worried about the bad name she would be bringing to the Yadava clan, her friend persuades her. They bring a wooden box and Pritha lays her baby into it and puts away all her jewels into the box. They then let it float on the river Aswa, a tributary of the Ganges river.
Scene 5
Kunti is in tears after hearing from her father about the proposal from Hastinapur. She remembers her past. Her companion asks if she is not interested in the marriage. Kunti is torn by the thoughts of her son she has deserted heartlessly. Her friend consoles her, saying she was innocent of any evil design and the incident had happened when she was too young to understand the implication. She ought to marry without entertaining such thoughts. Her son, being the son of god, would be safe and one day she would meet him.Yudhishtra gets married to Gandhari and Pandu gets married to Pritha/Kunti amidst vedic chants and with blessings from Bhishma, Satyavati, Ambika and Ambalika.
I would like to record my observations here. In the opening scene itself, Kunti asks her friend if she forgot how she delivered the baby on the day she attains menarche (பூப்படைந்த தினம்). The sequence of events is not clearly marked in the narration. If Kunti delivers the baby on that day itself, then the scene showing the parents asking Kunti to show restraint in her movements must have happened soon after the celebrations and Surya must have visited her after this. That the narration is faulty can be seen from the fact that Kunti refers to the conversation with her parents (about the advice to her to be not too playful) to convince them about rendering service to Durvaasa. Kunti must have attained maturity after Durvaasa's visit ended.Any way, hope director Suresh Krissna reads this!