The Fourteenth Day war continues. As directed by Yudhishtra, Satyaki reaches near Arjuna who is rushing to confront Jayadratha. Just then, Bhurishravas , the prince of Bahlika, intercepts Satyaki and challenges him to a fight. They fight fiercely, but Bhurisravas has an upper hand. Satyaki's bows are broken and he gets knocked down. Krishna exhorts Arjuna to go to the helpless Satyaki's aid. Since Arjuna is a bystander and hasn't been called to fight, he hesitates. Krishna states it is important to take care of his friend and disciple. Bhurisravas tries to attack an unconscious Satyaki, but Arjuna shoots a shaft that cuts off Bhurishravas' arm. Bhurisravas condemns Arjuna's act as being adharmic . He loses all interest in fighting a war that doesn't adhere to rules. He sits down in meditation. Satyaki regains consciousness and seizing the opportunity, quickly beheads the meditating Bhurishravas. Arjuna is aghast at this dastardly act and attempts to kill Satya
Sun TV Mahabharatham Translated Into English