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Showing posts with the label 14th day Kurukshetra

152. Krishna Takes Sudhayu's Mace on Himself : 14th Day of Kurukshetra

Duryodhana reckons that if they could somehow protect Jayadratha from Arjuna, Arjuna would kill himself and his brothers would follow him. He asks Drona to ensure Jayadratha's protection. Droṇa plans to arrange the Kaurava army in the sakata-vyuha within which is padma-vyuha formation that encircles a needle-like formation called suchi-vyuha . At the end of the suchi would be Jayadratha; and Kritavarma, Duryodhana, and Karṇa would guard at the front of the needle. Droṇa himself is set to stand at the front of the sakata . Draupadi puts veer tilak on Arjuna's forehead and wishes that Jayadratha be killed before Abhimanyu's mortal remains are consigned to fire. Arjuna asks Bhima and Satyaki to protect Yudhishtra. Krishna asks Bheema to kill as many Kauravas as possible. The fourteenth day of battle begins. Drona intercepts Arjuna and tells him to fight him before seeking Jayadratha. Arjuna fights for sometime, but doesn't want to waste time. As per Krishna's