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161. Shalya To Be Karna's Charioteer

Duryodhana is confused by the barrage of accusations Shakuni lays on Karna. He is speechless, unable to affirm his faith in Karna, much as he would like to. After all, there is substance in Shakuni's questioning why Karna should gift away his kavacha kundalas to an unknown Brahmin. Does Karna value his own fame as a philanthropist over his loyalty to his benefactor and friend Duryodhana?

Karna promises to kill Arjuna the next day. He has only one condition to be fulfilled. He needs a competent charioteer, the lack of which has led to his being taken to Nakula, instead of Arjuna, on the battlefield that day. Duryodhana is overjoyed. Karna desires the services of Madra King Shalya, whose horses are world renowned. Shakuni jeers with the remark that Shalya will like to associate only with nobles and aristocrats. Duryodhana is willing to negotiate with Shalya on his friend's behalf. Shalya is reluctant to accept Duryodhana's request. He then remembers what advice Krishna gave when told about his joining the Kaurava army as a token of gratitude for the food and hospitality extended to him when he was on his way to join the Pandavas. Everything happens with a purpose, Shalya thinks, and agrees to be Karna's charioteer.

Krishna is happy to know that Shalya will be Karna's charioteer for the next day's battle. To the surprised Pandavas, He explains that both, being equally hot-headed, will always be at loggerheads with each other.

Gandhari discards her royal attire and is dressed in simple clothes. As she is aware of the outcome of the war, she has decided to give all the precious jewellery and ensemble to Kunti. Kunti protests; she swears she would give up food unless Gandhari resumed dressing royally. No matter whatever happens, Kunti assures that Gandhari will always continue to retain her present position as a queen.

Karna meets Kunti to seek her blessings. Kunti tries to request him to spare Arjuna but Karna declines, and says he has abided by his earlier promise and spared the lives of Nakula and Bhima. In the next day's war, he will be using the Nagastra and irrespective of whether he is successful in his mission or not, Kunti will always have five children.
