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160. Shakuni Accuses Karna of Betrayal

Yudhishtra is worried over Karna assuming power as a Kaurava war chief for the 16th day war. As usual, Bhima takes it lightly and Arjuna is over-confident of his prowess. Krishna provides the reality-check by reminding them of the deadly Nagastra that Karna possesses.

Bhishma is happy to learn of Karna's rise as commander-in-chief of the Kaurava army. He blesses Karna and asks him to carry on fighting without thinking of the outcome, as they cannot direct the drama unfolded by Time ('Kala'); they can merely witness it as a spectator.

On the battle field, Duryodhana cheers up the army with the news of Karna being at the helm of affairs and Karna is given a rousing welcome.

On the sixteenth day, Ashwathama fights with Drishtadhyumna and Bhima. Bhima kills a dozen Kauravas and then faces Vikarna. Bhima remembers Vikarna's lone voice berating Kauravas for dishonoring Draupadi at the assembly. He also remembers Vikarna's charitably sparing his life in the battle. Bhima expresses his anguish at being pitted against the righteous Vikarna as an adversary, yet he has to kill him. And he does.

Arjuna is raring to confront Karna. Krishna tarries a little bit and dampens Arjuna's spirits by talking highly of Karna, whose suppressed rage at hearing lifelong derisive taunts have now found a new arena to display valor. Karna has also received divine blessings. Arjuna will therefore have to wait for an opportune moment to kill Karna.

Karna wants to confront Arjuna too. But his charioteer is unable to pick up the Gandiva sound and follow the trail to Arjuna. Karna is disgusted with the charioteer's incompetence. He tells him to steer the chariot to Arjuna, but the charioteer takes him to Nakula instead. Karna overpowers and disarms Nakula easily, but spares his life, remembering the promise made to Kunti. Shakuni exhorts Karna to kill Nakula, but Karna refuses to oblige, on grounds of the rules of righteous war.

Finally, Karna and Arjuna face each other. Arjuna scoffs at Karna, remembering all the occasions when Karna was defeated in a battle. Then they engage in a fierce combat. Arjuna wounds Karna critically, leaving him staggering for a while. Just when he is about to follow with another shaft, Arjuna sees in Karna his brother Yudhishtra writhing in pain. Arjuna stands transfixed, while Karna aims darts that bind him. Before Arjuna recovers from the shock, the bugles sound, indicating the end of the day.

At the night camp, Shakuni sneers at Karna's magnanimity in not killing Nakula even when he had a chance. He doesn't buy Karna's explanation of desisting from killing a disarmed enemy, because Karna could have given him a weapon to fight. And killing a disarmed enemy was nothing new, and was adopted to kill Abhimanyu in which Karna had a part too. Shakuni also demands explanation for his numerous meetings with Kunti. He accuses Karna of betraying Duryodhana's trust; in fact like Drona and Bhishma, he too nurses a secret love for the Pandavas in his heart.

Karna is distraught. He asks Duryodhana pointedly, "Duryodhana, do you trust me or not?"
