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Showing posts with the label Samsaptakas

Abhimanyu Dies : Episode 149

At the same time as the Kaurava's launch of the simultaneous offensive against Abhimanyu, Arjuna feels an ominous foreboding and with an inexplicable sense of despondency, he discards his bow and sits down fatigued. Krishna warns that this would be taken by Susharma as a sign of cowardice and reminds Arjuna of his duty to fight. The warfare against the Samsaptakas is a prolonged bloody affair and Arjuna forces himself to concentrate. Abhimanyu protests that all warriors concurrently fighting him is against dharma. Duryodhana retorts that the first adharmic act was done by Arjuna by bringing in an eunuch to fight Bhishma who was unwilling for a combat with him. Duryodhana, Dushasana, Karna, Shakuni, Ashwatamma, Drona and Kripacharya attack Abhimanyu together. Shakuni kills Abhimanyu's charioteer and Drona breaks the wheels of the chariot. His charioteer killed and the chariot broken, Abhimanyu leaps from the chariot holding swords in both the hands and stands on the ground. Ev