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Pandavas Sense Danger at Varanavata : Episode 33 (06-10-13)

Scene 1

Drona is busy with his morning prayers. Ashwaththama asks him to initiate him in the use of Brahmastra. Drona says he would do so at an appropriate time. Ashwaththama insists on it being done that day since it was an auspicious day for learning. Drona then explains Ashwaththama is as yet not ready for its instruction. This infuriates the son so much and he tells his mother that Dronacharya was partial to Arjuna even more than to his own son and has already taught Arjuna the use of the divine weapon. His mother Kripi asks him how he knows that and Ashwaththama reveals to her that he had once suggested to Arjuna about approaching Dronacharya, but Arjuna tells him he has already been taught this by Drona.

Scene 2

Purochana takes the Pandavas to the new palace he has built at Varanavata. He introduces a middle-aged woman called Vanjikodi who is a cook. She and her five sons, he says, would take care of every need of the Pandavas. Yudhishtra observes the curious fact that each of these sons are skillful in one the martial arts such as wrestling, archery, and wielding the sword.

Scene 3

Pandavas are dining and the food is served by the cook. Yudhishtra is hesitant and signs to others to wait. They send away the cook on some pretext and discuss their fears about the possibility of the food being poisoned. They then eat tentatively, and reassure themselves that they might not get poisoned so soon. After dinner, they want to partake betel leaves but the same fear of getting poisoned makes them drop the idea. Bheema is frustrated and wants to settle scores with the Kauravas, and hits the wall in frustration. Portions of the walls come off, revealing inflammable materials inside the walls, generously smeared with lac and ghee. They understand the plans of the Kauravas. Though angry, Yudhishtra is conscious of their weaker position in terms of numbers, and decides not to exhibit their fears but act as though everything is normal.

At the Kauravas camp, Duryodhana is impatient with the slow operations, but Shakuni cautions that there would be rebellion and anarchy in the country if the Pandavas are killed too soon.

Scene 4

Drupada is in search of Upayaja and Yaja for performing the Yagnas and obtain a son capable of killing Drona. He finds out their whereabouts from a sage who comes to the river bank for morning ablutions.
