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Showing posts from October, 2013

An Anguished Drona Teaches Brahmastra to Aswaththama : Episode 35 (27-10-13)

Scene 1 Ashwathama hurls hysterically all the weapons and is about to set fire to them. Drona stops him and asks him for the reason. Ashwaththama says he is frustrated because his father has voluntarily taught Arjuna the Brahmastra, whereas he did not teach his own son despite several entreaties, and has said that he does not consider him ready for learning it. The real reason why Drona did not teach him the art was because he wanted Arjuna to excel in archery. That was sufficiently demonstrated in the case of Ekalavya whose right thumb he had usurped just to ensure Arjuna's supremacy in archery. Ashwathama further accuses his father of having no true affection for him. Drona explains why he taught Arjuna the technique of using Brahmastra, as Arjuna had once saved him from the fatal clutches of a crocodile . Even though he hated to ask anyone for favors, it was only the love for his son that drove Drona to beg Drupada for wealth. His Guru Parashurama had told him not to teach ar

34. Vidura Helps Build Tunnel Through the Lac House (20-10-13)

Scene 1 Drupada seeks the help of a sage called Upayaja to perform yagna that would help get a son capable of killing Drona. The sage drives him away advising him from pursuing his ignoble aim. Drupada refuses to go away and waits, unmindful of the frigid weather. Taking pity on Drupada's plight, Upayaja suggests that he should seek Yaja's help to conduct the Yagnas, because Yaja, his brother, is less principled and highly interested in acquiring the wealth that Drupada is prepared to give. Scene 2 It is night, and the Pandavas prepare to go to bed. Bhima is about sneeze and stops himself when his brothers joke that it would have enough impact to shatter the lac house. Just then, a man stealthily enters the palace and is caught by Bhima. The man identifies himself as Kanaka, the messenger from Vidura who has come to help them. Purochana rushes into the chamber, but Yudhishtra sends him away, saying the commotion was caused by Bhima's sneeze! Kanika tells Yudhishtra that

Pandavas Sense Danger at Varanavata : Episode 33 (06-10-13)

Scene 1 Drona is busy with his morning prayers. Ashwaththama asks him to initiate him in the use of Brahmastra. Drona says he would do so at an appropriate time. Ashwaththama insists on it being done that day since it was an auspicious day for learning. Drona then explains Ashwaththama is as yet not ready for its instruction. This infuriates the son so much and he tells his mother that Dronacharya was partial to Arjuna even more than to his own son and has already taught Arjuna the use of the divine weapon. His mother Kripi asks him how he knows that and Ashwaththama reveals to her that he had once suggested to Arjuna about approaching Dronacharya, but Arjuna tells him he has already been taught this by Drona. Scene 2 Purochana takes the Pandavas to the new palace he has built at Varanavata. He introduces a middle-aged woman called Vanjikodi who is a cook. She and her five sons, he says, would take care of every need of the Pandavas. Yudhishtra observes the curious fact that each of t

Vidura Alludes to Yudhishtra the Danger at Varanavata : Episode 32 (29-09-13)

Scene 1 Kunti and the five Pandavas start on their journey to Varanavata. They seek the blessings of elders like Bhishma and Dhritarashtra. Finally, they bow before Vidura. Vidura tells Yudhishtra obliquely of the dangers ahead and asks him to be vigilant. Vidura : May God be with you. A warrior who understands and anticipates the moves of his adversaries can always protect himself. One need not be killed by sharp weapons alone. Even items not made of steel can cut the body. That which destroys the forests and protects one from cold does not hurt the mountain rat. A wild porcupine can dig tunnel and escape raging fire. By keeping in control the five senses we can conquer all the enemies. One can know the direction by watching the stars. Do you understand, Yudhishtra? Yudhishtra nods his understanding. Scene 2 Drupada totters his way in tattered clothes and disheveled hair. He reaches Yugabodha's ashrama where the sage is in deep meditation. When the sage opens his eyes, the ki