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Showing posts from July, 2014

Bhishma is Furious With Vidura For suggesting Division of Hastinapura : Episode 72

Vidura gets down the chariot to meet Sage Vyasa. Sage Vyasa listens to Vidura's woes and tells him that he is the incarnation of the Lord of Justice. Then he asks his disciple Vaishampayana to bring him a few fruits to quench his hunger. Vaishampayana brings a single mango, and the sage asks his disciple to halve the fruit so that both Vyasa and Vidura could have it. He tells Vidura that he has the answer to the problem and he would understand it once he contemplates on the issue on hand in a dispassionate way. Kunti meets Bhishma and expresses her anguish. Bhishma admits his helplessness in not being able to defend her honor when Duryodhana smeared mud on her reputation. He promises Kunti his support for her cause. Bhishma threatens to kill Vidura for suggesting the division of Hastinapura Dritarashtra asks Bhishma and Vidura to meet him. He tells them that he would not be able to think dispassionately because his mind is muddled with passion and anxiety for his sons. He

Gandhari Advises Dritarashtra to Observe Silence and Take No Decision : Episode 71 (13-07-14)

Dhritarastra visits Vyasa Dritarashtra goes to Vyasa's ashram. He tells the sage that he is unable to make decisions because of the predicament he is in. Vyasa asks him whether he is merely unable to take decisions or whether he does not want to take decision; after all he has already made his decision known (about crowning Yudhistra before the Pandavas left for Varanavata). Dritarashtra says Duryodhana refuses to accept that decision. Sage Vyasa points out Dritarashtra failed to tell Duyodhana in his young age itself that his elder brother Yudhishtra living in the forest is the undisputed heir to the throne. Instead he has filled his son with his own greedy thoughts of becoming the future king. Dritarashtra could never follow his righteous advice; after all, he was already aware of the justice but wanted to use the sage's name to further his own cause. Finally Vyasa advises him to remove the garb of father from himself and instead think and act like the king of Hastinapu

Furore in Hastinapur Assembly: Nobody the Legitimate Kuru Heir Except Bhishma

In the previous episode, Dhritarashtra had announced that the elders' assembly would discuss who should be crowned the future king of Hastinapura. Kunti has an inkling that the elders in the assembly would request the Pandavas to give up their claims to the throne for the sake of peace. She tells Yudhishtra not to yield if such a request is ever made. Yudhishtra and others agree entirely with this. Drona sees a man bringing a sack of rice to Ashwathama who directs him to take it inside. On Drona's enquiry, Ashwathama reveals that this is a tribute Drupada is paying them after his defeat by Arjuna. Drona disapproves and advises him not to continue the practice, as he considers Drupada his friend. Ashwathama points out that Drona is thankless and always regards Drona only as an adversary. On two occasions he sought the help of Drona: once for training his son under Drona and subsequently for devising the swayamwara contest for Draupadi. Yet, he failed to thank Drona after Drau