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Satyabhama's Buy-Back Scheme For Exclusive Rights On Krishna : Episode 112

Karna accuses Bhishma of being disloyal to the Hastinapur throne because of his partiality to Pandavas.

Bhishma is stung by the criticisms and declares that he is ready to go to the aid of Trigarta King Susharma and attack the Virata kingdom as a proof of his loyalty. Dritarashtra orders Bhishma to be the commander-in-chief and commence the attack immediately by stealing away the royal cows and then simultaneously seige the country from all sides. Bhishma instructs Susharma to march into Virata from the Southern side while the Karavas attack from the North.

Bhama welcomes Krishna very enthusiastically. Krishna senses something fishy and asks her what she wanted. Bhama requests Krishna's permission to gift him away to somebody and Krishna promises his consent.

Satyabhama conspires with Narada, saying that she plans to gift Krishna to him and then buy him back from Narada by paying with precious stones and gold equal to His weight. As Krisha sits on one side of the weighing balance, Satyabhama is amazed to find that she cannot tip the balance to the other side even after piling the side with jewelry. Rukmini and Bhama apologize and ask Krishna what the solution to this is. Krishna says they must send for Radha who alone could solve the problem

The Virata king is playing chess with Kanka bhattar (Yudhishtra) and Balaya (Bhima) brings special dish for the king. A messenger announces the attack on the kingdom from king Susharman from the northern side. As the king gets ready for the battle, Yudhishtra speaks positive words of encouragement, recommending him to take Balaya, who has earlier served the Pandavas in military campaigns. Brihannala is training prince Uttara in combats and Uttara is enthusiastic about participating in the war. Soon, there comes the news of Hastinapur army, headed by Bhishma and supported by Drona, Duryodhana, Dushshasana, Karna and Shakuni, attacking the kingdom from the Southern direction. In the absence of the king, Yudhishtra asks the Prince Uttara to fight the Kauravas, but the prince is nervous. Brihannala assures Uttara that he would help him to become victorious.

As the Pandava brothers discuss in private, Arjuna expresses the doubt whther his participating in the war would expose his identity. Sahadeva then reveals that the stipulated one year of exile has just got over and there is no threat of their being sent for another twelve years of exile.

On the battle field, Uttara however backs out and tells Brihannala who is driving the chariot to steer him out. As the Kauravas watch the funny scene with loud guffaws, Brihannala runs behind Uttara and takes him to the tree in which Arjuna had hung a corpse and hidden his weapons. Brihannala then reveals he is Arjuna and shows his famous Gandiva bow. As the Kauravas watch the scene perplexed, Uttara is ready to fight the huge army riding on a chariot driven by Brihannala. The result is as expected: the Kauravas are defeated.

As the victorious Virata king returns jubilantly, he is shocked by the news of his young and inexperienced son Uttara's going alone to face the Kaurava army. Kanaka Bhattar assuages his anxiety, saying that so long as Brihannala is with him, he has nothing to fear. Just then, they get the news of Uttara's victory and are very much delighted. Kanaka Bhattar cannot contain his pride over his younger brother's achievement and praises Brihannala once again, annoying the king in the bargain. He throws a dice at Kanaka Bhattar, which causes blood to ooze out of his forehead. Draupadi who happens to be close by, wipes away the blood with her garment, lest it falls on the ground and brings destruction to the Virata kingdom.

The victorious duo return from the battle and are welcomed by every one in the palace. Uttara notices the bloody mark on Yudhishtra's forehead and is upset that his father caused it. He is about to reveal Bhattar's identity, but remembering Arjuna's instruction, tells his father that he would reveal the secret of how he won the war the next day.
